Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Poly lies

conscious mix of colours

an artists canvassed-song

played game of hop-scotch

the winner and the wronged

barren dessert dwelling

in lie-ing lizzard’s ruins

flea infested lovers bed

for itching surfaced wounds

grasping but for reason

a mantis-holden mate

beetled in a spidered-web

of love, of lust, of hate

pencil drawn angel eyes

with tears, of blood and puss

deluded dream of fools

God! You and you, I, us!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Convenient stage

Woman stumbles through water
towards a peaceful swan
by it's wing she grabs ahold
and wrestles it to land.
Her loyal friend stands by
to capture all the action,
no doubt, the best shot posted -"adventure seeker"
- or some other clever caption.
Reports told of a swan that died
injured on some shore
abandoned in her suffering,
her virtual purpose served.

Friday, February 17, 2017


I should have known from the start
Kindness is too much for any to ask
When your life's unfolding the dark
A smile will freeze up your heart

Your egos a huge raging bull
Your fears the source of its fuel
In smarts you're top of the school
But in deeds - no more than a tool

At least in the end you showed grit
So thank you for naming it...
"Bastard" 's a very good fit
For a clever self centered shit.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Of foreign lands

Life is faded at the edges,
sun-bleached tinge of an old photograph.
My world is a faded memory -
even my dreams are of strangers.

Are you a gambling man?

Your hands clutch around my wrist
Resisting it, loves bitter twist.
Middle-way causing offence
Tongues lashing futile defence
Holding on to dreams of 'us'
Familiar buttons light right up.
Life has scarred your heart
loves empty-hole my part.
Mind's filter program set
as shadow blocks regret.
Cold hands tight around your neck
desire to hold on, instinct to reject.
The gambler's hand's all in
to lose it all - or win.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Shadow of Depression

The ominous silhouette of a crow overhead reminds me of my constant companion, the darkness.  The place where despair sits on the throne wearing a crown of barbed wire that presses deep into my skin drawing the last few drops of blood from my life. The warm sticky ooze collects in a puddle on the floor - a living tribute to misery, dreams morphed into failures and hopes just wasted pennies.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lucidity curse

Sense blows away a dried up pod
litters the ground with deep
sighs and question marks
lucidity consume'd faith
meaning-suit undone at seams
minds' torn land, broken vase
hot snake lines on coiff'd page -
hope bows to logic's march.